Summary of important user-visible changes for image 2.16.0 (2025/03/03): ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Octave version 7 is now the minimum requirement. ** The function bwselect is now MATLAB compatible. In version 2.10, the parameter connectivity was changed in function bwfill. This change affected bwselect, which uses bwfill, and made bwselect MATLAB incompatible. In current fix, the behavior of connectivity was fixed. To obtain the same results as in previous versions (from 2.10) use a value of 8 instead of 4, and a value of 4 instead of 8 (the default was 8). ** Input validation and error messaging has been improved for the imshear function. ** The following functions are new: imboxfilt imgaussfilt Summary of important user-visible changes for image 2.14.0 (2022/03/23): ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** The following functions are new: affine affine2d affine3d imapplymatrix imfuse imshowpair ** New features "anti-aliasing" and "custom kernel" were added to imresize. new method "box" was also added. Inaccuracies in imresize bilinear interpolation and in bicubic interpolation were fixed, making imresize much more compatible with Matlab. This function now also accepts complex input images for Matlab compatibility. ** The function grayslice returns different results on input images of class int16. This improves Matlab compatibility. ** Other functions that have been changed for smaller bugfixes, increased Matlab compatibility, or performance: psf2otf imtransform ** Note: In Octave versions 5 and older the installation of this image package version will issue several "doc_cache_create" warnings, regarding affine.m, affine2d.m and affine3d.m. Nevertheless the image package will work fine on those systems, except for not showing the "help" text of the mentioned functions. Summary of important user-visible changes for image 2.12.0 (2020/01/30): ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** The following functions are new: imref2d integralImage integralImage3 imref3d ** Improved the cubic interpolation method in imremap. This should also cause improved results in the functions imperspectivewarp, imresize, and imrotate when using the cubic or bicubic methods. ** The function labelmatrix was changed for compatibility with the upcoming Octave version 6. ** The function bwmorph now supports the "endpoints" operation. ** The function nonmax_supress was renamed nonmax_suppress to fix its incorrect spelling. The incorrectly named function is kept for backwards compatibility. ** The functions imremap, imperspectivewrap, and imrotate no longer return the `valid' output argument. ** The imgradientxy function will now recognize the methods "central" and "intermediate" for Matlab compatibility. Their previous names "centraldifference" and "intermediatedifference" continue to work for backwards compatibility. ** The stdfilt function will again handle all images of non floating type (a regression introduced in the version 2.10.0). Summary of important user-visible changes for image 2.10.0 (2018/12/26): ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** The following functions are new: axes2pix colorangle houghpeaks bwpack deconvwnr otsuthresh bwunpack houghlines ** The functions entropyfilt, rangefilt, and stdfilt were completely incorrect and have now been fixed. ** In function regionprops, "Perimeter" was changed to be compatible with Matlab, and "PerimterOld" was added. ** In function regionprops, properties "ConvexHull", "ConvexImage", "ConvexArea", and "Solidity" were added. ** In function bwfill, the parameter connectivity was changed. In previous versions, the parameter referred to background connectivity but now refers to the foreground connectivity. This backwards incompatible changes was done for Matlab compatibility. Effectively, to obtain the same results as in previous versions use a value of 8 instead of 4, and a value of 4 instead of 8 (the default was 8). ** grayslice now expects argument V to be a vector with the actual values used to perform threshold. Previously it expected values in the [0 1] range which would be adjust to the correct type internally. This change was done for Matlab compatibility (which does the same despite their documentation stating otherwise). Other small changes were done to be Matlab compatible in multiple corner cases. ** The function operation "thin" in bwmorph was changed to be Matlab compatible. The previous implementation, based on the book by W. K. Pratt, is available under the name "thin-pratt". ** imcast now also converts images to logical type. ** wiener2 is now able to handle images with arbitrary number of dimensions. ** Other functions that have been changed for smaller bugfixes, increased Matlab compatibility, or performance: bwdist entropy hough_line bwmorph graythresh Summary of important user-visible changes for image 2.8.1 (2018/10/26): ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** image 2.8.1 is a patch release. ** Fix imcrop for non-square images. This a regression introduced in version 2.8.0. Summary of important user-visible changes for image 2.8.0 (2018/06/19): ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** The following functions are new: hough imhmax ntsc2rgb imextendedmax imhmin rgb2ntsc imextendedmin imimposemin viscircles imfindcircles imsharpen wiener2 ** Octave version 4.0 is no longer supported. This makes Octave version 4.2.0 the minimum requirement. ** The functions ntsc2rgb and rgb2ntsc have been removed in Octave core version 4.4 and are now part of the image package. In a similar manner, rgb2gray, which has always been part of the image package, is part of Octave core version 4.4. The versions in the image package will only be installed if they are missing from Octave to avoid shadowing the core functions. ** imcrop will now adjust the region to crop to the image boundaries when the region to crop goes beyond the image boundaries. ** ycbcr2rgb, rgb2ycbcr, and rgb2gray will return an image of class single if the input was class single (they were previously returning a double for such cases). ** The function imdither has been removed. This function hadn't work since Octave version 3.8.0 and would need to be rewritten. The function dither from Octave core should be used instead but hasn't been implemented yet. Instead of rewriting imdither, the missing dither function should be written. See bug #41768. ** graythresh will now clip values outside the [0 1] range in images of floating point class. A side effect of this is that it will no longer distinguish between an image of floating point class that has only one one row or column, and an histogram. Breaks backwards compatibility if you were previously relying on something like 'graythresh (img(:), ...)' and img is of class single or double. ** Fix regionprops Perimeter when using a labelled image or a bwconncomp structure, from connectivity different from 8. ** The functions ycbcr2rgb and rgb2ycbcr now support conversion according to the BT.2020 standard. ** Other functions that have been changed for smaller bugfixes, increased Matlab compatibility, or performance: bwperim imlincomb imrotate entropy imreconstruct normxcorr2 graythresh imregionalmax phantom imhist imregionalmin rgb2gray Summary of important user-visible changes for image 2.6.2 (2017/11/09): ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** image 2.6.2 is a patch release. ** Fix regionprops MajorAxisLength, MinorAxisLength, and Orientation when there's multiple regions in an image; and Orientation for thin regions. ** Fix montage usage with a cell array of image filepaths. ** Fixed installation for upcoming versions of Octave. Enables installation in current development version 4.3.0+. Summary of important user-visible changes for image 2.6.1 (2016/10/21): ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** image 2.6.1 is a patch release. ** Fix imtranslate regression when used with the "crop" option. ** Fix compilation issues for clang++ users on Mac OSX. Summary of important user-visible changes for image 2.6.0 (2016/10/05): ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** The following functions are new: imfill lab2rgb rgb2lab imgetfile lab2single rgb2xyz impyramid lab2uint16 watershed imquantize lab2uint8 xyz2lab lab2double lab2xyz xyz2rgb ** For better compatibility with Matlab, the imtransform function now uses 0 instead of NA for the default extrapolation value. ** The regionprops function has been rewritten and should perform several orders of magnitude faster dependending on the number of properties being measured and the number of objects; the new implementation will be specially faster for a large number of objects and multiple properties. In addition to the increased performance, regions can be defined with a bwconncomp structure. The following properties have changed: * FilledArea - new support for ND images * FilledImage - new support for ND images * SubarrayIdx - new property implemented ** stretchlim() now properly supports integer input and will return values in the [0 1] range. It also no longer performs rounding of the saturated fraction, so that TOL is now the saturation limit (rather than a saturation that it tries to approximate). Support for N dimensional images has been added. ** imadjust() now supports images of integer class without requiring an intermediary conversion to a floating point class. Support for N dimensional images has also been added. It now requires that input and output limits be always specified in a [0 1] range, even if the image of a floating point class. ** The function is isgray(), isind(), and isrgb() will return true for images of class single in addition to double. ** im2bw() now accepts a string specifying a graythresh() algorithm as an alternative to a threshold value. This simplifies the very common usage of `im2bw (im, graythresh (im, method))`. ** Fix imcrop() usage when defaulting to current figure and allow the bounding box to be selected by clicking on any two opposite corners of the image. ** fspecial() is now capable to create N dimensional gaussian filters. ** checkerboard() is now capable to create N dimensional checkerboards. ** Other functions that have been changed for smaller bugfixes, increased Matlab compatibility, or performance: edge imdilate imremap grayslice imerode mat2gray im2bw imfilter montage im2col imresize normxcorr2 Summary of important user-visible changes for image 2.4.1 (2015/08/07): ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Image 2.4.1 is a bug fixing release. ** Fixed regression on bwhitmiss which was completely broken since version 2.2.0. ** Fixed regressions on rangefilt and stdfilt which made them always throw an error. ** Removed broken support for signed integers to entropyfilt(). Not only it was returning incorrect values and ocasional endless loops, it failed to build in some architectures. Summary of important user-visible changes for image 2.4.0 (2015/04/06): ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** The following functions are new: bwareafilt imcast imregionalmin bwpropfilt imclearborder otf2psf edgetaper immse psf2otf fftconvn imreconstruct psnr imattributes imregionalmax subimage ** The implementation of normxcorr2 has been changed. The new method is Matlab compatible and will return values in the range [-1 1]. ** The image package is no longer dependent on the signal package. ** The disk shaped filter of fspecial has been changed for Matlab compatibility. The elements on the border of the disk are now weighted by how much of them is covered by the disk. Note that this change is backwards incompatible. ** The following functions will display the output image as a figure instead of printing to the command line, when there are no output arguments: grayslice im2bw ** For better compatibility with Matlab, the imrotate, imremap, and imperspectivewarp functions now use 0 instead of NA for the default extrapolation value. ** The regionprops function now supports the "Eccentricity", "MajorAxisLength", "MinorAxisLength", "EquivDiameter" and "Extrema" properties. The "Orientation" property has also been rewritten for Matlab compatibility and may yield different results than previous versions. ** The conndef function has new function signatures so that it covers all common ways of defining an connectivity array. The following will return the same matrix: mask = conndef (2, "minimal") mask = conndef (4) mask = conndef ([0 1 0; 1 1 1; 0 1 0]) and would throw a detailed error in case of an incorrect connectivity. ** Creating disk shaped strel objects must now specify the N argument for number of periodic lines used to approximate a disk. The value used must be zero to obtain the same results as previous releases of the image package. No other value is at the moment valid, and this is to prevent future backwards incompatibility since Matlab default is 4. Replace any `strel ("disk", radius)' with `strel ("disk", radius, 0)' ** The following functions have been completely rewritten and will perform a lot of faster. bwconncomp bwlabeln Which indirectly will also cause the following to perform faster: bwareaopen bwpropfilt regionprops ** Deprecated functions. The following functions were deprecated in image 2.2.0 and have been removed from image 2.4.0. bwborder iptchecknargin readexif impad iptcheckstrs imrotate_Fourier uintlut ** Other functions that have been changed for smaller bugfixes, increased Matlab compatibility, or performance: grayslice im2single imsmooth im2double im2uint8 label2rgb im2int16 im2uint16 Summary of important user-visible changes for image 2.2.2 (2014/10/06): ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Multiple documentation fixes for compatibility with new versions of Texinfo. ** Fix error with imcrop when image was all zeros. ** Fix endless loop in bwdist when using the quasi-euclidean method in x86 systems. Summary of important user-visible changes for image 2.2.1 (2014/03/08): ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** imcrop had many alternative interfaces added for more flexibility. Added support in the input for indexed images, figures handles, N-dimensional images, and specific bounding box vector for a non-interactive usage. Output can now also return the bounding box used for the cropping in addition to the cropped image. It will no longer loop forever until it gets two valid coordinates for the bounding box. ** Fixed bug in imcomplement to compute the complement of signed integers correctly. ** Fix imrotate to handle RGB images. ** Fix regression in bwdist when calculating the closest pixel map. Summary of important user-visible changes for image 2.2.0 (2014/01/08): ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** The imerode and imdilate have been completely rewritten for increased performance and many Matlab compatibility fixes. Performance gains between 1.5-30X have been demonstrated. Main compatibility changes include the addition of the shape option, support for the strel class, and allowing structuring elements and images of different classes. Non-flat grayscale erosion and dilation has also been implemented by making use of the new strel class. ** With the increased performance in imerode and imdilate, all other functions that use them, such imopen and imclose, get an equivalent performance boost. ** Most of bwmorph operations now support N dimensional images and have increased performance. Other Matlab compatibility fixes have been made such as displaying image when there's no output variable. ** The __spatial_filtering__ function has been mostly rewritten and performs in approximattely 1/5 to 2/5 of the previous time, depending on the filter. With this change, all functions dependent on it, rangefilt, entropyfilt, ordfilt2/n, medfilt2/n, and stdfilt, will also perform faster. ** The following functions are new: bwareaopen impixel strel checkerboard imtransform tformfwd cp2tform intlut tforminv findbounds labelmatrix ycbcr2rgb imgradient maketform imgradientxy montage ** The following functions have been moved from the Octave Forge Image package to GNU Octave core: cmpermute cmunique iscolormap rgbplot ** The following functions have been deprecated in the previous release of the Image package and have now been removed: blkproc bmpwrite dilate erode ** The following functions have been deprecated (see their help text for the recommended alternatives): bwborder imrotate_Fourier iptcheckstrs impad iptchecknargin uintlut ** The functions im2col and col2im has been completely rewritten for massive performace increase (increases greater than 500X have been observed, with biggest differences for smaller blocks and sliding option), and support of N-dimensional blocks and images. ** rgb2ycbcr was completely rewritten to accept images of other classes, and colormaps. A new argument was implemented to convert the RGB values according to different standards. ** The use of non logical matrices to specify the neighborhood for the medfilt2 function has been deprecated. Also, when using a vector to specify the size of the neighborhood, the elements were swapped (first element is now the number of rows and the second the number of columns). ** For consistency with other functions that allow specification of padding values, the function padarray now accepts the string "zeros" as a valid option. ** The plot produced by imhist is correctly scaled on the X axis so that the colorbar corresponds to the actual intensity of the stems; the given colormarp is used on the colorbar for indexed images; and the stems no longer display the markers at their top. The Y axis is also adjusted in case of peaks with high values that prevent a good overview of the histogram. ** The option to create poisson noise to an image has been added to imnoise. ** With the addition of the strel class, imdilate and imerode are able to handle strel objects. ** The performance of imresize has been greatly improved when using the nearest neighbor method for N or 1/N scale factors (e.g.: 2, 50, 1/4, 1/7). ** The imperspectivewarp, imremap, imresize, and imrotate functions will now accept any interpolation method from the interp2 function thus extending the available methods to "spline" and "pchip". This in addition to the "bilinear" and "bicubic" methods (same as "linear" and "cubic" respectively) which are kept for matlab compatibility. For the same reason, the "triangle" method (interpolation kernel) has also been added (which is the same as "linear" method). ** Bug fixes on the concavity, intermodes, maxlikelihood, and minimum methods of graythresh. ** The bwdist function will now consider any non zero value as object pixels, the class of the distance matrix has changed to single, and indexes an uint dependent on the matrix size. ** The transform option of imtophat has been removed (it was deprecated in version 2.0.0) in favour of using imbothat. ** The function bwconncomp now returns the indices for each element in each object, no longer the indices for the elements in the object boundaries only. The connectivity default was changed to 8. ** The original Shepp-Logan model in the function phantom as been changed to return all values in the range [0 1] rather than [0 2] by changing the intensity of the first ellipse from 2 to 1. ** Other functions that have been changed for smaller bugfixes, increased Matlab compatibility, or performance: bwlabel bwperim padarray ** The following functions now fully support matrices with an arbitrary number of dimensions: bestblk col2im im2col bwconncomp colfilt nlfilter Summary of important user-visible changes for image 2.0.0 (2012/11/08): ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** The following functions are new: analyze75info imabsdiff iptcheckconn analyze75read imadd iptcheckmap analyze75write imbothat iptchecknargin blockproc imcrop iptcheckstrs bwlabeln imdivide iptnum2ordinal getrangefromclass imlincomb iscolormap im2int16 immultiply normxcorr2 im2single imsubtract wavelength2rgb ** The following functions have been deprecated in previous releases of the image package and have now been removed: imginfo ** The function `deriche' has been removed. ** The complete set of functions to work with Analyze 7.5 files has been implemented. See `analyze75info', `analyze75read' and `analyze75write'. ** `graythresh' can optionally accept an histogram rather than an image. This allows for preprocessing of the histogram previous to an automatic threshold selection. ** Otsu's method for automatic threshold selection (default for `graythresh') has been completely rewritten and should perform faster. Now, it can also return a second value representing the ``goodness'' of the computed threshold value (within class variance). ** Alternative algorithms for automatic threshold have been implemented in `graythresh' (thanks to Antti Niemistö for releasing HistThresh toolbox from where many were ported, under a GPL license). Currently, the following algorithms have been implemented (see graythresh for notes and references): concavity MaxEntropy minimum Otsu intermeans MaxLikelihood MinError percentile intermodes mean moments ** The following functions have been deprecated (see their help text for the recommended alternatives): blkproc bmpwrite dilate erode ** With the new function `imbothat' the transform option of `imtophat' has been deprecated. ** The following functions have had been changed for bug fixes and/or improved matlab compatibility bwarea imhist im2uint8 isind bweuler imnoise im2uint16 mat2gray bwfill conndef isbw rgb2gray cmpermute im2bw isgray cmunique im2double isrgb ** `bwarea' now supports all image classes and considers objects all non zero pixels (not all pixels higher than zero). ** `rgb2gray' now also supports images of the class single and performs a weighted conversion to keep the image luminance instead of a the mean through each color. ** `im2bw' now supports input images of the int16 class and deals better with RGB images since it uses `rgb2gray' internally (see changes to rgb2gray). Threshold is performed on all values greater than value instead of greater than or equal. ** `imhist' is much more compatible with matlab and among other changes, it now uses the whole range of the class for the histogram rather than the minimum and maximum of the input image and displays a colorbar under the histogram. ** `isbw' now defines a black-and-white image as a binary non-sparse matrix. This is compatible with matlab. To use the old behaviour, use the new option for the call "isbw (img, "non-logical"). For backwards compatibility, if a non-logical matrix of 0 and 1 is used as input, `isbw' will still return true but a warning will be issued since this will deprecated later. ** `isgray' now also returns true for matrices of the int16 class. ** `isrgb' now returns false for logical matrix. ** `tiff_tag_read' had several bug fixes and can now check IFDs beyond the first. It can also accept mutiple tag values and IFDs simultaneously and return a matrix of the values found. Its documentation has been expanded (as well as an explanation of TIFF structure on the source) ** For sake of matlab compatibility, the behaviour of `mat2gray' has been greatly changed. Among the changes, it will no longer swap the minimum and maximum options if the first is larger than the later. Instead, will return the image complement after truncation. Also, when the maximum and minimum values are equal, `mat2gray' will truncate all values between 0 and 1. See the help text (or source) for a detailed description of cautions. ** `bwfill' was fixed to always returns a logical matrix. ** `imnoise' has been expanded to accept images of differente classes instead of only double and single. ** The private function `__bwdist` has been renamed `__bwdist__` ** Package is now dependent on GNU Octave version 3.6.0 or later. ** Package is now dependent on the signal package version 1.2.0 or later. ** Package is no longer automatically loaded. ******************************************************************************** ** ** ** NEWS below this point were written after their releases for history ** ** purposes and extracted from the Octave Forge general NEWS. Previous to ** ** the image package version 1.0.11, all Octave Forge packages would be ** ** released at the same time. Previous to the package version 1.0.0 there ** ** were monolithic releases with no actual packages. This means that some ** ** releases actually had no changes in the image package itself or changes ** ** were small compared to the whole Octave Forge project and so, not ** ** mentioned on the NEWS file. Inspection of the actual log in the ** ** repository should be used if exact details are required. ** ** ** ******************************************************************************** Summary of important user-visible changes for image 1.0.15 (2011/09/21): -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Summary of important user-visible changes for image 1.0.14 (2011/04/12): -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Summary of important user-visible changes for image 1.0.13 (2010/05/22): -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Summary of important user-visible changes for image 1.0.12 (2010/03/22): -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Summary of important user-visible changes for image 1.0.11 (2010/03/05): -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Summary of important user-visible changes for image 1.0.10 (2009/06/07): -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Summary of important user-visible changes for image 1.0.9 (2009/05/08): ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** The following functions are new: entropyfilt ordfiltn rangefilt stdfilt ** The following functions have been removed as they are now part of Octave core: imread imwrite Summary of important user-visible changes for image 1.0.8 (2008/08/31): ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Fix build issues with the last release. Summary of important user-visible changes for image 1.0.7 (2008/08/24): ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Summary of important user-visible changes for image 1.0.6 (2008/04/29): ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** The following functions are new: imcomplement rgbplot ** Implemented support for bilateral filtering. ** Build fixes for new versions of ImageMagick. Summary of important user-visible changes for image 1.0.5 (2008/02/16): ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** The following functions are new: imfilter imsmooth Summary of important user-visible changes for image 1.0.4 (2007/12/12): ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Summary of important user-visible changes for image 1.0.3 (2007/10/14): ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Summary of important user-visible changes for image 1.0.2 (2007/07/26): ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Summary of important user-visible changes for image 1.0.1 (2007/05/26): ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Summary of important user-visible changes for image 1.0.0 (2007/03/28): ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** First non-monolithic release. ** The following functions are new: __bwarea fspecial impersepectivewap apply graythresh imremap bwarea im2double label2rgb bwperim im2uint8 __magick_read__ deriche im2uint16 ** Fixex for non 8bit images. ** Quantum sizes in imagemagick. ** Compatiability changes to imwrite, isgray and rgb2gray. ** imread, probe depth from bits rather than Red field, allows loading of gray scale images. ** Convert all functions to use texinfo help. Summary of important user-visible changes for image (Octave Forge 2006.07.09): -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Summary of important user-visible changes for image (Octave Forge 2006.03.17): -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Summary of important user-visible changes for image (Octave Forge 2006.01.28): -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** imread() now return the appropriate numeric class. Colour images are of size MxNx3, gray images MxN. Summary of important user-visible changes for image (Octave Forge 2005.06.13): -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** The following functions are new: bwarea imresize Summary of important user-visible changes for image (Octave Forge 2004.11.16): -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** No important changes to the image package in this Octave Forge release. Summary of important user-visible changes for image (Octave Forge 2004.09.09): -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** The following functions are new: applylut cmunique houghtf poly2mask uintlut bestblk col2im im2col qtdecomp blkproc conndef isrgb qtgetblk bweuler dilate makelut qtsetblk bwmorph erode nlfilter roicolor cmpermute graycomatrix padarray stretchlim ** Implemented initial support for int* types. Summary of important user-visible changes for image (Octave Forge 2004.07.07): -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** No important changes to the image package in this Octave Forge release. Summary of important user-visible changes for image (Octave Forge 2004.02.12): -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** `imread' now supports 16-bit grayscale images. Summary of important user-visible changes for image (Octave Forge 2003.06.02): -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** The following functions are new: rotate_scale Summary of important user-visible changes for image (Octave Forge 2003.02.22): -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** No important changes to the image package in this Octave Forge release. Summary of important user-visible changes for image (Octave Forge 2002.11.30): -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** The following functions are new: colfilt imginfo imrotate imshear imtranslate ** The `colorgradient' function now allow instantaneous transitions (weight 0) ** The `bwlabel' function has been implemented in C++ and may behave different. Summary of important user-visible changes for image (Octave Forge 2002.05.09): -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Summary of important user-visible changes for image (Octave Forge 2002.04.20): -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Summary of important user-visible changes for image (Octave Forge 2002.03.10): -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Summary of important user-visible changes for image (Octave Forge 2001.11.02): -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** First release.
Package: image