NRBDEVAL: Evaluation of the derivative and second derivatives of NURBS curve, surface or volume.

     [pnt, jac] = nrbdeval (crv, dcrv, tt)
     [pnt, jac] = nrbdeval (srf, dsrf, {tu tv})
     [pnt, jac] = nrbdeval (vol, dvol, {tu tv tw})
     [pnt, jac, hess] = nrbdeval (crv, dcrv, dcrv2, tt)
     [pnt, jac, hess] = nrbdeval (srf, dsrf, dsrf2, {tu tv})
     [pnt, jac, hess] = nrbdeval (vol, dvol, dvol2, {tu tv tw})
     [pnt, jac, hess, third_der] = nrbdeval (crv, dcrv, dcrv2, dcrv3, tt)
     [pnt, jac, hess, third_der] = nrbdeval (srf, dsrf, dsrf2, dsrf3, {tu tv})
     [pnt, jac, hess, third_der, fourth_der] = nrbdeval (crv, dcrv, dcrv2, dcrv3, dcrv4, tt)
     [pnt, jac, hess, third_der, fourth_der] = nrbdeval (srf, dsrf, dsrf2, dsrf3, dsrf4, {tu tv})


   crv,   srf,   vol   - original NURBS curve, surface or volume.
   dcrv,  dsrf,  dvol  - NURBS derivative representation of crv, srf 
                          or vol (see nrbderiv2)
   dcrv2, dsrf2, dvol2 - NURBS second derivative representation of crv,
                          srf or vol (see nrbderiv2)
   dcrv3, dsrf3, dvol3 - NURBS third derivative representation of crv,
                          srf or vol (see nrbderiv)
   dcrv4, dsrf4, dvol4 - NURBS fourth derivative representation of crv,
                          srf or vol (see nrbderiv)

   tt     - parametric evaluation points
            If the nurbs is a surface or a volume then tt is a cell
            {tu, tv} or {tu, tv, tw} are the parametric coordinates


   pnt  - evaluated points.
   jac  - evaluated first derivatives (Jacobian).
   hess - evaluated second derivatives (Hessian).
   third_der - evaluated third derivatives
   fourth_der - evaluated fourth derivatives

 Copyright (C) 2000 Mark Spink 
 Copyright (C) 2010 Carlo de Falco
 Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 Rafael Vazquez
 Copyright (C) 2018 Luca Coradello

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

Demonstration 1

The following code

 crv = nrbtestcrv;
 title('First derivatives along a test curve.');
 tt = linspace(0.0,1.0,9);
 dcrv = nrbderiv(crv);
 [p1, dp] = nrbdeval(crv,dcrv,tt);
 p2 = vecnormalize(dp);
 hold on;
 h = quiver(p1(1,:),p1(2,:),p2(1,:),p2(2,:),0);
 hold off;

Produces the following figure

Figure 1

Demonstration 2

The following code

 srf = nrbtestsrf;
 p = nrbeval(srf,{linspace(0.0,1.0,20) linspace(0.0,1.0,20)});
 h = surf(squeeze(p(1,:,:)),squeeze(p(2,:,:)),squeeze(p(3,:,:)));
 title('First derivatives over a test surface.');

 npts = 5;
 tt = linspace(0.0,1.0,npts);
 dsrf = nrbderiv(srf);
 [p1, dp] = nrbdeval(srf, dsrf, {tt, tt});
 up2 = vecnormalize(dp{1});
 vp2 = vecnormalize(dp{2});
 hold on;
 h1 = quiver3(p1(1,:),p1(2,:),p1(3,:),up2(1,:),up2(2,:),up2(3,:));
 h2 = quiver3(p1(1,:),p1(2,:),p1(3,:),vp2(1,:),vp2(2,:),vp2(3,:));
 hold off;

Produces the following figure

Figure 1

Package: nurbs